Tuesday 27nd September.
Dr. Marisa Linton, Kingston University
The Terror in the French Revolution
Tuesday October 18, 2016
Dr. Lucy Wooding, King’s College London
‘Bloody Mary Revisited’.
Tuesday November 15
Professor David Stevenson, London School of Economics
‘The Origins of the Cold War Revisited’.
Tuesday December 13, 2016
Professor Jonathan Harris, Royal Holloway, University of London
Byzantium: The forgotten Empire
Tuesday January 24, 2017
Dr. Robert Saunders, Queen Mary, University of London
“Common Market or Bust!” Britain’s first referendum on Europe, 1975
Tuesday February 21, 2017
Professor Carl Bridge, King’s College London
‘From the Far Ends of the Earth’: The British Empire and the Great War
Tuesday March 21, 2017
Professor Glenn Richardson, Professor in Early-Modern History, St Mary’s, Twickenham
‘The Contending Kingdoms’: Anglo-French relations 1400-1700.