Ahead of the start of this year’s programme next month, we would appreciate it if those of you who intend to join as associate members for 2024/25 could pay your subscription and return your membership form as soon as possible.
Note that if you are a national membership of the Historical Association then it is not necessary for you to also join as a local associate member. Please just bring along your membership card to each lecture.
Otherwise, you now have a choice as to how to pay your subs and return your membership form. The annual membership subscription will remain £15 to cover the nine lectures in the programme.
We are now able to accept bank transfers to our Lloyds account and this is our preferred method of payment if you are able to do so, to reduce the amount of paperwork needing to be completed at the first lecture of the programme. It is very important that you include your full name as a reference to your payment and you should email our Secretary Jane Saul (jane.saul@virgin.net) as soon as possible after your payment of £15, also returning a scanned and completed copy of the membership form (attached). The details of our bank account are as follows:-
Account: The Historical Association West Surrey Branch
Sort code: 30 93 74
Account no: 01700875
By post
If you are unable to transfer your subscription by bank transfer, of course you can continue to send a cheque for £15 (made payable to The Historical Association West Surrey Branch) plus completed membership form (attached) to the following address:
Jane Saul
Gresham House
31 Egham Hill
TW20 0ER
We hope that many of you will sign up in advance of the first meeting of the programme next month – look forward to seeing you there.